Fall Groups 2023
Registration is open!
Beaches Nature Therapy offers weekly occupational therapy groups aimed at building authentic social connections, confidence, and emotional regulation.
Your child will participate in activities chosen to promote:​
Flexible thinking
Conflict resolution
Fine motor skills
Sensory processing
Problem solving
Safety awareness and healthy risk taking
Emotional regulation
Groups are play based and take place 100% outdoors. They are a great option for kids who have been resistant to traditional therapy services. Groups are so much fun that kids don't even realize that they are building skills!
What's included:
18 hours of group occupational therapy services​
Collaborative OT goals
Up to 3 hours of consultation with parents/caregivers​
Weekly email with group updates, pictures, and home ideas​
Updates on goals at end of semester
Group cost:
$325 billed in 3 monthly payments
Family Empowerment Scholarship (formerly Gardiner) accepted
Qualifies as a medical service for seeking reimbursement from FSA plans or as out of network insurance claim
$250 evaluation fee applies to families new to Beaches Nature Therapy​​
Not sure if groups are right for your child? We are here to answer questions!